Hi everyone i want to buy a vu duo original but i know there are allot of clones out there can any one post pictures of a original please so i can compare them to the pics of a clone thanks sally
I would say that appears to be correct.View attachment 6995
can any one confirm i have the the images correct the above is a original and below a clone
Hi yes have done that no reply as of yetYes , I would agree , the one the first picture looks like original, but there is something wrong with the MAC ID label on the Scart housing ! Mine is looking different. If I was you I would send both pictures to suport@vuplus.com for idntification
It's too simple to clone-makers to use a fake mac address for their cloned products.Can you not just to tell just by the mac address of the device - Each manufacturer uses a unique element of a mac address to identify manufacturer - In my case both my duo and solo have a mac address '00-1d-ec' as the first three octets - I would expect that on a clone the mac address would be of different format ? and that all genuine Vu+'s would have a mac address format with the first three octets being as mine. The simplest way to determine the mac address is to open a dos window from a pc connected to the same network as your vu+ and run the command arp-a