VU+ Duo does not always switch diseqc.


Vu+ Newbie
VU+ Duo with pli image, Triax 78cm, 13-19.2-23.5-28.2.

When i connect cable from box direct to cable from lnb everything is fine. With a diseqc (venton) and a restart it defaults to Sky Sport HD2 (19.2 sky germany). And i can switch to 28.2 channels also 23.5. But after a while i cannot change channels(other sats) anymore. It gives 0 Db on the channels. It looks like it doesn't switch the diseqc. The A in the bottom of the screen(tuner A stays yellow). I only use one tuner.

Problem started a few weeks ago. The sat arm was bent and i replaced it, did use the old dish. Replaced cables to lnb and used 2 diseqcs all same problem. Also updated the image.

With diseqc all sats are fine with, it does want to switch all the time. Read some stories about condensator, but the box is alittle over a year old. HDD built in, not standing in cabinet.

I did same problem. now i have tuner B hotbird and the via the diseqc to tuner A and everything worked in the beginning. After say 10 mins only 23.5 works on tuner A and hotbird on tuner B. It looks as if the VU+ just stops switching the diseqc.

I bought a new diseqc because i thought that was the problem. The old one was a digiality 4-1 1.0 latest is a venton 4-1 1.2. I returned the last one because i thought it was faulty. They gave another one.
I did same problem. now i have tuner B hotbird and the via the diseqc to tuner A and everything worked in the beginning. After say 10 mins only 23.5 works on tuner A and hotbird on tuner B. It looks as if the VU+ just stops switching the diseqc.

I bought a new diseqc because i thought that was the problem. The old one was a digiality 4-1 1.0 latest is a venton 4-1 1.2. I returned the last one because i thought it was faulty. They gave another one.

I saw it now :eek: . This is BH support forum, not PLi ;). Sorry, flash BH 2.0.3, afterthen we can help.
Tuner A -Diseqc 1.2 Port A nothing, B 19.2, C 23.5, D 28.2
Tuner B- direct Hotbird 13.

Now Hotbird works fine.
23.5 Works fine.
28.2 and 19.2 does not.

The problem is;
without a diseqc it works fine, but then i only have 2 satellites. So i need i diseqc, and the box does not change to a different satellite. The sa1tellite that does work on the diseqc is a bit random. Sometimes 19.2, sometimes 28.2. But almost never all of them.
Tried a number of diseqc, problem stays, also changed cables etc. The disc is lined up perfect.
Tuner A -Diseqc 1.2 Port A nothing, B 19.2, C 23.5, D 28.2
Tuner B- direct Hotbird 13.

Now Hotbird works fine.
23.5 Works fine.
28.2 and 19.2 does not.

The problem is;
without a diseqc it works fine, but then i only have 2 satellites. So i need i diseqc, and the box does not change to a different satellite. The sa1tellite that does work on the diseqc is a bit random. Sometimes 19.2, sometimes 28.2. But almost never all of them.
Tried a number of diseqc, problem stays, also changed cables etc. The disc is lined up perfect.

Post an tuner configuration. I think, that is OK. Only to be sure. Seems that 28.2 and 19.2 are on limit of signal strenght. Diseqc steals you about 3 dB of signal. Check all without diseqc and connect one with lowest signal directly to box and strongest through Diseqc.
The signal strength varies per channel as well per satellite. The thing is it all worked with my previous dm800HD and this VU+ DUO. But since a few weeks i am having these problems. How an you check if the box is still ok. I read something about a capacitor ?
hi guys,
dunno if this is the rite place as I am new to all this,
I am just wanting to know what is the best firmware for vu+ duo box that will support 2 x 4 port disecq switching. at the moment I am running the openvix but wondering what's the best out there, any info would be grate guys, thanks in advance,
kind regards
hi guys,
dunno if this is the rite place as I am new to all this,
I am just wanting to know what is the best firmware for vu+ duo box that will support 2 x 4 port disecq switching. at the moment I am running the openvix but wondering what's the best out there, any info would be grate guys, thanks in advance,
kind regards

The Black Hole Image
had same issue on vu+ and Ultimo while using pli. Loaded Latest BH still same issue.

Same switch perfectly fine on all dreamboxes i tested with. Funny this
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