VU+ duo internal disk problem


Vu+ Newbie
How can I recover my internal hdd on Vu+ Duo, it doesn't recognize internal hdd. Also disk is nearly full and I have to recover it. Any tool or add-on advice please???
It has 500 gb disc, but when I check from system it seems like 1 tb.

I faced with 3 times before same problem, but now I have 125 movies on it so I have to recover it as is.

Waiting replies urgently,

Many thanks,
First send Your files on some HDD on Your PC or some external hdd. After it format Your internal hdd via BH device manager and mount it again. It would be ok...
Get Your hdd from VU+ and put it into PC and test. If it recognize - save Your files to pc and after format hdd in ext3 with free tool "EASEUS Partition Master",then back in vu+.