vu+ duo lets the side down


Vu+ User
some time ago i recorded the beyonce programme in HD from the tv on my duo.
my sister and mam where in Jamiaca at the time so i promised them i would record it on my box and there could come down one night to watch it.
Tonight was that night , we all sat down to watch and the sound didnt work, had to resort to plan b and bin the box and download from pc and put onto disc.
this blackhole image is getting worse.
im really considering putting the new vix image on.
some time ago i recorded the beyonce programme in HD from the tv on my duo.
my sister and mam where in Jamiaca at the time so i promised them i would record it on my box and there could come down one night to watch it.
Tonight was that night , we all sat down to watch and the sound didnt work, had to resort to plan b and bin the box and download from pc and put onto disc.
this blackhole image is getting worse.
im really considering putting the new vix image on.

I also think it is time for you to use a other image
because it seems to , you have always problems with ours.
Forum has already become filled with your problems.

I also have a couple of hundred songs
among others Beyonce
i have never had a problem on any BH image old and new.
sorry i dont like having problems uno , thought that was the whole idea of a forum,think you and others gets offended by anything said .
sorry i dont like having problems uno , thought that was the whole idea of a forum,think you and others gets offended by anything said .

No problem is
that you do not read existing information on the forum.

In one post you write abt you do not know how to install image
and in another you have problems with the recorded.

And what you recorded has long been on your HDD
and only now you have discovered that it had no audio.

I no longer know what to think about all this.
So I really think it's probably better for you to try another image
Perhaps you have better luck.
And your point is???
I ll try what image i want to try, i had a problem last night with a recoding, half of my family had all come down the house to watch, blackhole decided not to let it have sound?????? all other recodings on the hdd have sound????????
dont bother yourself with my problems.ill find help from somebody have been having a go at me for weeks.go bugger someone else.
Take everything as a personal hit at you everytime anyone has a problem,quote (this forum is full of your problems) daaaaarrrr Forum=help=advise=learn=fix