vu+duo not flushing from USB


Vu+ Newbie

I installed new HDD to my vu+ duo recently and after that I was not able to flush any image by USB port. Today my box crashed and I wanted to flush it with new image, however, it did not work. I disconnected my HDD as thought it can cause that issue. Even then I was not able to flush any image. USB works fine. When I connect USB drive I can browse it so there is not any problem with USB itself. USB is formated as FAT32. New image in vuplus/duo. Everything back to normal but flushing through front USB port not working. Any ideas?
Hi. There is nothing connected apart of SATA HDD but like I said I disconnected it and still did not boot from USB. I am on OpenVIX not BH. Was using BH previously though. Do you suggest that image can block booting from USB? I thought it is like booting PC but USB is primary boot. Any other way to flush new image without integration into hardware?
Yes try other usb... Or you could need to flash boot loader ..... I don't know how old your previous image is?
Its flash not flush.
What files are in the duo folder on the usb there should be 4 files. It sounds like a corrupt image on your usb. Download a fresh image unzip it and load on your usb and start again. Turn the box off at the switch on the back insert your usb and switch back on then follow the on screen instructions.