VU+ Duo not receiving channels


Vu+ Newbie
Hi I could not think what to put as the title of this but I have a very strange situation. I have many happy customers all using Duo's I am based in Spain on the Costa del Sol and had no problems until this weird rogue customer as you could say. If I normally do a channel search on 28.2E I get about 1,000 channels, but at his house I get say 400. The box has been configured at home and works fine but he cannot get the channels. He lives in a community with a community dish so I asked him to get the TV maintenance company to find what the fault was. NO FAULT they said. I took another working box down and same thing, no channels not even SKY News. The thing is if he plugs a sky box in he gets the channels and the same with a freeview box.

Beats me anybody got any ideas?