Vu+ Duo standby bug?


Vu+ User
This happens quite frequently - scenario: I set the Duo to standby, but then decide I want it on deep standby. If I turn it on, and then put it on deep standby immediately (without waiting 30 sec. or more), it goes to deep standby, but:
1. It is somehow working, because the box starts getting quite hot. Nothing is heard from inside, the red light is on, as in deep standby.
2. It will not turn on again from the remote. It will, only if I turn it off from the back for 5 minutes or more. Maybe it needs to cool down?

This sounds like a dangerous state to be, working, stuck and with no fan on.

*title error, I meant standby, not "standy", please fix that... thanks.
Am sure BH Images have NO bug.
This 1st time , I read a post with this issue, however I would test and see,,,,!
I've tested a few times and I do not have this problem.
my box is not hot even when he works and certainly not in deep standby .

Did you maybe something changed, incorporated,
or have connected ??
Thanks for your answers. I haven't made any particular changes. There's an HD, and an externally powered USB hub, with a stick for picons and a DVB-T tuner, working fine. I've listed my extensions. In "Manage Extensions" I get "There are at least 4 updates available". I use BH 1.6.2. Problem doesn't happen all the time, usually the Duo shuts down correctly, but still it does what I described quite frequently.


There are at least 4 updates available

Do not know about any updates in Manage Extensions for BH image.
Manage Extensions is not for BH image updates.
We do not use Manage Extensions and Software manager for image updates.
It is a tool for the original VUplus image CVS update.
Maybe you can use some plugins from Manage Extensions but this with caution if they work or not.

My advice is always Test first clean image and clean BOX (no USB and external hardware)
and then one by one add hard/soft addons
to know the problem.
I do have a very similar issue:
when I put in standby one of my two DUO often happens that It won't turn ON. I only have to shut it down by the rear switch.
This happened with a BH 1.6.2 bkp by a spanish guy(at moment I'm at work and do not remember the bkp proper name) and since the issue happened at least once a day I tried with an other bkp image the Pappaalfio BH 1.6 Iguana. With this image seemed to work everything fine since this morning when the issue exploited again. The Duo was stuck in standby mode the clock on the display was showing 04:04 am (it was about 07:30 am actually), the fan was running.

At present I've installed in the affected DUO a Western Digital WD5000AAKX HardDrive, no USB device at all.
I installed 1.6.3 and for the moment it works fine, the problem did not appear. I properly installed the DVB-T tuner and the USB stick, but I didn't install these plugins: Filebrowser, Ultime Notizie, AspectRatioSwitch, Bitrate Viewer which I had in 1.6.2.
Try now to install one by one plugin and test. You will know which plugin potentially make a problem. Give to us feedback.

Rgs !