Vu+ Duo tuning problem on some channels


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,
I've just acquired a second hand Vu+ Duo to see what they are like before I purchase a new receiver and am having some issues getting some HD Channels. (EG ITV Wales HD - 11052 H 23000 3/4 8PSK).
On a blind scan of 28.2W I'm picking up over 600 channels so the tuners both work.
I have a fixed dish and a motorised dish and have tried both. Both get good signals on other receivers.
I've flashed 3 different images and still get the same issue.
I have 1 LNB with 8 outputs, but all other receivers work when using the cables I am using on my Vu+ Duo.
I also tested on the motorised dish and get the same issue. 0 signal on some channels dispite high quality and strength on all the other receivers.
Both tuners are exactly the same!
I've also imported a channel list with the channels I want on and imports them into the channel list but zero signal!
Unless I'm doing something very basic wrong I'm thinking it may be a hardware issue?
Any ideas how I can sort this out?
Thanks and Happy New Year to you all!
Welcome to the forum.
You have made a minor typing error, it should be 28.2E, and some satellites.xml files now have Astra 2 listed at 28.5E.
Have you tried a manual scan, of just that transponder?
Have you tried a blind scan, of the satellite?
Yes major typing error! 28.2E!
I've just installed everything again and done a complete scan of 28.2E.
I've also tried using AutoBouquets Maker which works if you just use Sky, but if using Freesat comes up with "Failed to tune FreeSat UK....please check if the tuner is correctly configured and you can receive the specified frequency".
I've never seen anything like that before.
Thats what makes me wonder if it is hardware or user error!
The rest of my set up seems ok as is working with other boxes.
You need someone with an old VU+ Duo, that can receive the UK spot beams, on Astra 2, to confirm if they are experiencing any problems, with that transponder.
Just tried scanning them in, on my VU+ Duo2, 11052 H 230000 DVB-S2 8PSK 3/4, without any problems, running Open Black Hole 4.4.
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Ok will wait to see if anyone else has any issues. It won't pick up anything on auto bouquet maker if I just put Freesat in which is strange!
Anyway thanks for your help today. Happy New Year.