VU+Duo with BH Software / Dreambox Edit - help!!!


Vu+ Newbie
Morning everyone..
I am so hoping you can help me....

I am very new to VU+ satellite boxes and am pulling my hair out....
I am having major trouble with updating / changing bouquets...I did use version 3 of DB edit but upgraded the other day to the latest Dreambox edit (5.0 something) and all I was doing the other day was adding a channel to it and it crashed - then my tv went off and lost all channels...
I managed to get a mate in who got all my tv channels back but in no order. I am now trying to sort out my bouquets again and when I upload, I get an error along the lines of lamedb error and nothing uploads. All settings are correct as when I fpt download from box, everything come through...
Any help or advice would be greatful - is there another editing program other than DB edit as think this may be incompatible with Windows 8.1
This is the exact error I get:
Connecting to
Dreambox response: Login successful.
** Getting directory list /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/* **
Starting FTP transfer
Transfer complete
** Sending file "/var/tuxbox/config/enigma/lamedb" **
Starting FTP transfer
Transfer aborted
Error sending file "lamedb" to the Dreambox.

I have clicked the button for Emigma2 and it still does not work ARGhhhhhhhhhhh
You setup good your version dreambox edit ; maybe problem is in setup patch to folders and others file.
Im used version and work good with my box.

If you no used any special version setting try download from feed BH on him you find 3-4 difrent settings.
You setup good your version dreambox edit ; maybe problem is in setup patch to folders and others file.
Im used version and work good with my box.

If you no used any special version setting try download from feed BH on him you find 3-4 difrent settings.

Sorry for my ignorance but am VERY new to all this..
As far as I am aware I dont have any special version, just the normal set up.
Please could you advise where I would go to download the feed from Blackhole, I am guessing in add ons from the actual box?
Feed BH will be see when you on remote push blue > yellow > and now will be see feed with alot plugins skins and chanell settings