Vu+duo2 various Lan !


Vu+ Newbie
Hi to all of you,

Since i flash my receiver with this very last firmware , when i go to
setup-system-network, there i see LAN, Wireless AP, and Lan2 !
It is in fact on that Lan2 that my ethernet cable is connected.
I have no other usb card or any other device connected , except the built in Wifi .
Ithus disable that Lan1, but at every restart of the receiver it become active automatically.

Does anybody have an idea about that problem?

thank you in advance
Hi Denon, I start 10 days ago with a new VU+ 4k, with BH 3.0.1.E and the problem is the same. I already encountered problem with this auto-activation of the Lan 1.
I don't know how to cancel this connection.
Is someone concerned ?
Have same issue on my Vu+ Duo2. 2 LAN's giving me a lot of problems. Even files transfer between PC and Vu+ HDD is very slow and unstable.

Will try flash fresh firmware tomorrow and see if sorted.