Vu+Duo2 and XBMC (NOT)


Vu+ Newbie
Further to the many queries about the implementation of XBMC on this box - Gotham 13.2 as implemented on this box is to put it mildly CR*P. I understand that one of the raison d'être for the VU+ range was to implement XBMC with an STB. I do understand that the design and build planning of any project such as this box takes time BUT I would add my voice to the many who think that VU are dragging their collective heels over getting this right!

I have a little £40 Android box that does wifi linked xbmc gotham 13.2 that works infinitely better than the duo2!!! - I was hoping to ditch that once the Duo was purchased!

I do have a comment about a certain moderator on this site (N********) who needs a little lesson in diplomacy - when the post is submitted by a NEWBIE that doesn't deserve a slap down! Only by many of us including administrators and moderators putting some pressure on VU dev team will they get a grip!

Further to DUo2 development - max USB stick size is 16GB - which planet are they living on - 32GB/64GB/128GB and 256GB sticks are common place (I have number of each in my stock - I don't think I have any stick less than 16GB) - If this requires an update to ENIGMA2 then presumably roll on ENIGMA3!

Obviously having bought a duo2 I appreciate the effort of the many skilled volunteers who work on Blackhole but I do get irate when the firmware is letting the side down.
Further to the many queries about the implementation of XBMC on this box - Gotham 13.2 as implemented on this box is to put it mildly CR*P. I understand that one of the raison d'être for the VU+ range was to implement XBMC with an STB. I do understand that the design and build planning of any project such as this box takes time BUT I would add my voice to the many who think that VU are dragging their collective heels over getting this right!

I have a little £40 Android box that does wifi linked xbmc gotham 13.2 that works infinitely better than the duo2!!! - I was hoping to ditch that once the Duo was purchased!

I do have a comment about a certain moderator on this site (N********) who needs a little lesson in diplomacy - when the post is submitted by a NEWBIE that doesn't deserve a slap down! Only by many of us including administrators and moderators putting some pressure on VU dev team will they get a grip!

Further to DUo2 development - max USB stick size is 16GB - which planet are they living on - 32GB/64GB/128GB and 256GB sticks are common place (I have number of each in my stock - I don't think I have any stick less than 16GB) - If this requires an update to ENIGMA2 then presumably roll on ENIGMA3!

Obviously having bought a duo2 I appreciate the effort of the many skilled volunteers who work on Blackhole but I do get irate when the firmware is letting the side down.

About XBMC/KODI: I think you don't understand the big difference between your Android box and Duo2: THEY HAVE DIFFERENT ARCH! Android 99% is ARM platform and Duo2 is MIPS!
XBMC/KODI is developed around ARM! Porting it to MIPS is the first step to have a good Media Center software and not only that ... but this will not be built into one night or one month. Vu+ Dev Team needs time to make all the important implementations needed to obtain performances and features working.
After that, and IMHO it's foundamental, we can talk about the upgrade of software side: without a solid base it's irrilevant to talk about new versions.

About Mods: no name, no help. Sorry.

About Duo2 dev: I haven't a big USB stick but usually to get maximum performances users installs a SATA HDD internally. If you talked about boxes without the possibility to fit inside an HDD you should have right.
USB size support is not related to GUI but derived, eventually, from OS layer.

Don't make the common mistake made by a lot of users.