Vu+ Duo2 Full Backup Restore


Vu+ Newbie
Can someone please show me how to restore full backup on my duo2 after a reflash?
I am using Open Blackhole image. Often when I download and install a plugin/addon the system crashes and stays crashed.
It leaves me no apparent option but to reflash, a rather tedious affair, but then I have to go through the quotidian task of manually downloading and reinstalling all my previous plugins/addons, this is not only time-consuming but utterly stressful. I've got several backup files - "Full backup" and "settings backup" on my HDD but how do I restore these backups so that I don't have to keep redownloading and installing previous plugins/addons?

A detailed instruction would be enormously appreciated.
A Full Backup is restored just in the same way a new image is flashed: copy the vuplus folder created by the backup to a USB pendrive and flash as usual.