vu-duo2 problem


Vu+ Newbie
hi cant connect to vu-duo2 using dreamedit or dcc the problem iam facing is it used to connect ok but dosent now ive check and everything looks ok when using dcc it it shows computer to vu-duo2 green line and vu-duo2 to router red line tried rebooting box and router but has maid no difference when usin dream edit i can download boquets ok and make changes but when sending changes back to box it fails.i so hope with your help i can resolve this many thanks
When using Dreamboxedit are you downloading the channel list, from your VU+ Duo 2, or just opening what's stored in the Dreamboxedit folder?
When using DCC have you tried selecting the Switch/Hub option, which negates the necessity to enter your routers IP address?
When using the suchen option, in the Dreambox Control Centre, have you checked you've entered your VU+ Duo 2's IP address correctly, in the dreamboxedit Tools, Option, setup, tested the Ip address connection, then saved it?
iam dowloading the channel list from vu-duo2 when using dreamedit it just wont let me send anything backup to vu-duo2 iget this error failed to connect to the dreambox on ip address 192.168.1.x (port 80) dcc is not letting me connect tried all varables to no avail