

Vu+ Newbie
Hello All
I acquired a new Duo2 a month ago and have BH2.1.7 in the flash.
I saw on the web that new drivers for my receiver were issued recently.
Please advise how I can download and install.
Many thanks.
Hi, I have BlackHole 2.1.7 installed but unable to mount HDD. Is there an update I can run? If I install the latest BlackHole 3.0.1 will this solve the problem without resetting all the hard work I have done setting up 2.1.7?
You need to change the Skin, to Default.
Press the Green Button, on your remote, followed by the yellow button.
Select Addons Download manager, then Black Hole Image Skins.
Scroll to the bottom and select Skin Default BH 2.1.7.
Once this is imstalled then try mounting your hard drive.