Vu+ player for iPad make my box hanging

Jan Suhr

Vu+ Newbie
When I look at my Vu+ solo2 box wiyth the iPad app it works ok until I try to change channel in the app. Then the transmission freezes and I can't access the box anymore.

When I go to the box to look at it shows the channel that were on at the moment of the crash. Everything else is dead on it, the RCU doesn't respond and evev the On/Off button on the front is not responding. Only way to get it back is to turn it off by the switch on the backside.

When I look at the screen after the crash there is a BH spinning spark in the upper left corner.

Is this a bug?

Update an BH image and Vu+ Player to last version. Try with SD channel. Seems that Apple Vu+ Player doesn't support HD (I can't verify this - Apple info).

I tested Vu+ Player on Android phone, transcoding enabled, everything works fine (Solo2, two independent LNB inputs).
When I look at my Vu+ solo2 box wiyth the iPad app it works ok until I try to change channel in the app. Then the transmission freezes and I can't access the box anymore.

When I go to the box to look at it shows the channel that were on at the moment of the crash. Everything else is dead on it, the RCU doesn't respond and evev the On/Off button on the front is not responding. Only way to get it back is to turn it off by the switch on the backside.

When I look at the screen after the crash there is a BH spinning spark in the upper left corner.

Is this a bug?

With iPad and Solo2 you don't need to use Vu+ Player.
You can use Safari and the Solo2 web interface.
Update an BH image and Vu+ Player to last version. Try with SD channel. Seems that Apple Vu+ Player doesn't support HD (I can't verify this - Apple info).

I tested Vu+ Player on Android phone, transcoding enabled, everything works fine (Solo2, two independent LNB inputs).
that is true, apple app ( vu+ player and dreambox player ) cant support HD channels.
and about the problem, jan, did you set the tuner setting to multituner? solo2 have 2 tuners and you must set the setting to multituner.
Yes it is set to Multituner. I have both the BBC ONE HD and SD in the box just to be able to see BBC ONE & TWO on the iPad with VU+ Player.

BH Is the latest version as is the VU+ Player

For SD channels you may better use Dreambox Live. Works fine with any Enigma2 tuners!
For HD (and of cause SD) viewing I use dreaMote coupled with OPlayer. You can find all the progs at App Store. I had no problems neither with my DM800 nor Solo2 :dance:
For SD channels you may better use Dreambox Live. Works fine with any Enigma2 tuners!
For HD (and of cause SD) viewing I use dreaMote coupled with OPlayer. You can find all the progs at App Store. I had no problems neither with my DM800 nor Solo2 :dance:

For me Oplayer is enough, why dreaMote ??
Dreambox Live is apparently obsolete and replaced with Blackbox for iOS.

I now have Blackbox Live and it sems to work alright.