Request VU PLus Solo 2 HD

Tushar Patel

Vu+ Newbie
Hi Guys,

Hope you are all well. Does anyone know how to tell if the above box is genuine of fake?
I bought this recently and want to be absolutely sure.

thanks a million for your help.

Hi there ive got exactly the same problem, mine aslo starts with a c , ive been trying to email vuplus to confirm its real but they are not returning my msgs.
The retailers assured me (with an angry email) that it is real.
Will try vuplus again but has anyone an alternate email for them? im using
Every Solo2 user has this problem.
Although that I am confident that my Box is genuine because I trust the supplier, I still believe that
this problem should be solved without further delay by Vu+.
What are they waitng for to solve this anomaly?
This does not concern the integrity of the supplier but the integrity of Vu+.
Right just got a reply from, my box is confirmed as genuine, and the share the love plugin will not be updated for newer boxes.
I don't mind that just glad to know it's a genuine box. Whoop whoop