VU+ remote control in web interface


Vu+ User
With the BH image, the web-interface uses a picture of a Dreambox remote control, but
here is a quick fix to get the web-interface to use an image of the VU+ remote control instead.

I've tested this on BH 1.4.3-B and it works perfectly.

The image of the remote control, and correct key mappings are already in place. All you need do is edit the file "tools.js" in directory:


On line 1137 and 1152,

change this:

   if(boxtype == "dm8000"){

to this:

  if(boxtype == "dm500hd"){

This causes the Vu+ remote control image to be loaded instead of the dreambox remote
control when you select "Webremote" in the web-interface.

All the key mappings work ok.

If you don't fancy editting, there is a copy of the new "tools.js"

Just download and copy to

You may need to clear your browser cache on your PC if it doesn't display the Vu+ remote control first time.




This also works on BH1.4.4 but as well as the file above (tools.js) you also need the image of the VU remote, and also the key mappings file. These are attached.

copy rc.png to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/web-data/img

copy tplWebRemote.htm to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/web-data/tpl/default


yes working fine