Vu+ solo se big flash problem


Vu+ Newbie

I've tried 3 different USB sticks (2, 8 and 16 gb), formatted in fat 32 with hp format tool.
I've tried 3 different images (vti, blackhole, official vix)
No success. Flashing process seems to be ok. But when I restart the receiver, of course after having removed the USB stick, I can see the image logo for a few seconds, and then nothing ( "no signal" on my tv screen)

The Vu+ solo se box is brand new (received today).
I feel a bit desperated as I've been trying for 3 hours.

What can I do? Trying other USB sticks? Which one? Doing it blindly can take some days...
PS: the 3 USB keys are working perfectly to flash image on a vu+ solo.

so, please help
Make sure your usb stick has the following layout.

In the root directory:

vuplus folder
inside that folder should be solose folder
inside the solose folder should be either 5 or 6 files (depending on image).


and possibly also imageversion

If you are sure that is all correct, remove any other usb device connected to the solose.

Put the usb stick in either socket, turn power off, wait 5 seconds then power on, wait for the led to stop with the calm glowing (almost as is it is breathing), and only turn off when the led pulses on and off.

Then power off, remove the usb stick and power on again.

If the above does not work with any of your usb sticks, then they are either not compatible with your SoloSE (not all usb sticks are and smaller non branded sticks usually work better than huge size memory sticks from well known brands) or your SoloSE is faulty and needs to be returned to the shop you bought it from for replacement.
You state that the USB sticks work perfectly on a VU+ Solo, does this mean that you own another VU+ model, a VU+ Solo, and a VU+ Solo SE?
In which case you aren't new, to working with a VU+ receiver, so I expect that you know what you're doing, when flashing an image, and what to expect, after flashing, that when it re-boots you go through the set up process, selecting the connection, to your television, scart, HDMI, tuner setup, etc...
Are you reaching this point?
When you got your receiver, from your supplier, did you check it was working, as it should have already contained the official vuplus image, or did you flash a new image, straight away?
Are you using the correct image, the VU+ Solo, and VU+ Solo SE, are differentr receivers so require a different version:
I have exactly the same problem with 2 new solo se I have just receved
i have tried with 7 different usb key...
Last week I have sent back my duo2 in waranty....


Is still vu+ a good brand?
It is when you buy genuine versions, I've had my VU+ Duo 2,for well over a year, without the slightest problem.
Are you following the instructions, for updating the Solo SE, correctly, and which version do you have, VU+ Solo SE, or VU+ Solo SE v2?
I know vu+ by having duo, uno, ultimo, solo2, duo2, solose

The ones I've recevied are solo se ...
There are 2 versions, of the Solo SE, the v2 has more memory, and possibly other improvements.
Different versions, of the VU+, can have slightly different methods, of loading the image, as no doubt you have discovered, when loading an image on each of the ones you've owned.
For the Solo SE the loading procedure, I've read, is:
Power off the Vu+ Solo SE, using the switch, at the rear of the receiver
Insert the USB stick into the rear USB socket
Power on Vu+ Solo SE

The white circular ring, on the left side of the front panel will blink a few times then begin pulsing, the pulsing indicates it's flashing the image.

Once the image has successfully flashed the pulsing will stop and change to blinking on and off.

When the white circular ring is blinking on and off it's now safe to power off with the switch on the back and remove the USB stick.
Hello Guuy's,

exactly the same problem here with Original SOLO SE.

I have already made 10 boxes and never experiencer this problem.

1. Putted the right files at the right place on fat32 formatted usb key
2. Booted the solo se
3. The led start breathing and never stop.. ( i let it all night )

What VUPUS say about that ? is this a warranty problem ?

My vendor say not and he dont want to change me the box :( I ve lost 200.- dollars :(

Help us...
Hello Guuy's,

exactly the same problem here with Original SOLO SE.

I have already made 10 boxes and never experiencer this problem.

1. Putted the right files at the right place on fat32 formatted usb key
2. Booted the solo se
3. The led start breathing and never stop.. ( i let it all night )

What VUPUS say about that ? is this a warranty problem ?

My vendor say not and he dont want to change me the box :( I ve lost 200.- dollars :(

Help us...
First of all you should format the USB stick with FAT32 filesystem. You can try also to make a complete format of the USB stick to avid problems.
In last chance, change USB stick. I've an old 4Gb USB stick that use only for box flashing and don't loose a flash.
First of all you should format the USB stick with FAT32 filesystem. You can try also to make a complete format of the USB stick to avid problems.
In last chance, change USB stick. I've an old 4Gb USB stick that use only for box flashing and don't loose a flash.

It was the Pen-drive !

After trying every single usb key i found one that work ( old Sony usb 2.0 32gig ), i will let THIS pen-drive somewhere for the next installations..