Vu solo


Vu+ Newbie
Bonjour, apres un flash raté ( openpli 6.2), j' ai ma vu solo bloqué lumiere verte sans image.
Qui peux m'aider ? Merci.
1) This is the International section: only English, then.
2) This is the BLACK Hole or OpenBlackHole images' forum, not the OpenPli one. Ask them. Or... try one of our, excellent, terrific images! :-) You won't be let down.
BH is based on the Vuplus code; OBH is based on OE-A core, like the OpenPli you was trying to install, but it's much better, in our opinion ;)
d'accord, mon problème n'est pas l'image utilisée , mais suite à un mauvais flash ,j'ai mon vu+solo bloqué lumière verte sans image . Comment débloquer ? Merci de m'aider .