VU+ Solo2: and epg issue

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Vu+ Newbie
Hi All;
Great forum - hope I am posting in the correct section

I have a vu+ solo2 and had a good friend set this up for me with the latest and greatest blackhole image etc...
I have recently experienced the following two issues

1. Intermittent disconnections from the ***** server (*******) - I am left with only the freeview The box is fully connected to the wi-fi network and the internet is connected for all other devices. Server disconnects are intermittent and can last a millisecond or an hour. Re-starting the modem seems to resolve the issue temporarily. I even replaced the modem but to no avail. Could this be a port issue?
>> See DSC_0048.jpg

2. The EPG not longer downloads successfully and non of my channels (apart from freeview) have the fully epg information. I can only view the next programme. When I originally ran the CrossEPG downloader it would manually update all the epg information, but now it doesnt seem to even go check for the epg info. I tried deleting the crossepg folder and then running it again but that didnt work

Some pics attached of my setup

Hope that makes sense

EDIT by MX Admin
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