Vu Solo2 - First time user and buyer

Geoff O Rourke

Vu+ Newbie
Hey I'm new to the community and new to the whole idea but I'm regretting not hoping on this band wagon years ago and pulling away from over priced satellite TV like Sky.
I have been on many forums and sites and believe the Vu Solo2 suites my needs pretty perfectly as i am hoping to ditch my TV with my provider but keep there internet service (which is pretty decent speed).

I am new to all this and as the forum underlines a complete n00b to this whole game. I know the in's and out's of a computer so installing a HDD isn't a problem as many installation videos seem to do but a recommendation would help (about 1TB maybe 2TB.

Also other the that i am lost though i do know i need to install firmware, Blackhole is quite the popular choice but why?
Also I know someone who is paying a provider yearly to keep his service up and running as well as keeping a library of movies and TV shows ready at a click of a button...any recommendations there also?

I want to here your experiences and your do's and dont's hopefully this seemingly helpful community can give a total n00b a hand :)
Black Hole was built for the VU+ receivers, but you can use other images.
The hard drives are very easy to fit just ensure you get a SATA and the ciorrect size, the Duo 2 can take 3.5", as well as 2.5", but I'm not sure about the Solo 2.
Your other question sounds like it might break forum rules, I suggest you read them and decide if it does.