Vu+ Solo2 recording problem


Vu+ Newbie
I am new at this so please be gentle! I have purchased a Vu+ Solo2 with Blackhole version 2.0.6 installed along with a 500g hard drive. I have configured the satellite feeds, downloaded the channels, downloaded software and EPG info and connected with my network. All is well apart from a couple of missing channels (I will catch up with these later). However I am experiencing some difficulty with recording more than one programme in an evening. I have looked through the forums and cannot find reference to this problem.

I discovered early on that timer recording does not work unless I switch the Vu+ to standby but it is when I try and record a subsequent programme that I am having problems. I set up both programmes with the timer and set the “action after recording” to switch to standby. The first programme records fine but the second shows in the list of recordings with no duration against it and when I try to play it, I get nothing.

Am I doing something wrong? Any advice gratefully welcome
@Simplyme : At first you have to have two independent antenna signals for completely independent channels recordings. Second thing - disable transcoding. Third - recorded channels have to be FTA, or one crypted and one FTA using common CI module. Fourth - for two or more crypted channels recording you need "PRO" CI module, which is able to decrypt 2 or more channels at time.

PS: I'm using Irdeto Pro 4 CI module. My provider allows me to decrypt only 4 channels at the same time.
Thanks for the information, which I think I understand. Just one thing though - I cannot find how to disable transcoding.
@Simplyme : I meant "Disable Transcoding" in sense of not using some other device to receive Solo2 transcoded channel, which could occupy one of tuners.
If you use disseq plug your cable to lnb2. In antenne configuration put lnb1 looptrough lnb2. Then you can record up to 8 chanels.