Vu+Solo2-Starting up... problem with tuner


Vu+ Newbie
I've installed with Black Hole Vu+ Solo2 2.0.3 Hyperspace and as a result my Solo2 take about 15mins to scan each satellite. Some transponder failed to scan (either C or Ku band) even the stronger one! I'm still searching to rectify the problem.

My configuration - Twin C/Ku, disecq with motorised positioner. Tested and verified worked with my DM800SE. I gonna to re-flash again this evening.. any suggestion welcome.. Thank.
I've installed with Black Hole Vu+ Solo2 2.0.3 Hyperspace and as a result my Solo2 take about 15mins to scan each satellite. Some transponder failed to scan (either C or Ku band) even the stronger one! I'm still searching to rectify the problem.

My configuration - Twin C/Ku, disecq with motorised positioner. Tested and verified worked with my DM800SE. I gonna to re-flash again this evening.. any suggestion welcome.. Thank.

I compared sensitivity of my Solo2 on the same signal cable (Ku LNB universal) with my Technisat Digicorder HD S2X Plus (it's a quite DX box) - Solo2 is worth about 15%. Try to compare tunig a TP with DM800, next connect Solo2 (don't move dish! turn off positioner). In this way you can compare boxes.
Check also your Solo2 position settings (latitude, longitude).
I redo again. Both tuner having simillar issue, the tuner sensitivity. I tried to scan on NSS 6, by using normal STB and manage to capture about 105 services, but with Solo2 only manage to lock 65 service...

I tried to manual scan each individual transponder but result remain same, even 6ft parabolic does not make any diffrence.
The tuner fail to detect, lock on certain frequency. Is it a defective tuner or manufacturing defect.?

I'm tested with:
BlackHole (latest) Image.
Solo2 original Image.
VIX latest Image.
Tested with positioner/disecq and direct connection. still have an issue.
any idea..or Solo 2 really have a tuner issue?

# any tuner patch firmware update?

My tools:
Satellite Finder with realtime Spectrum Analyzer/Constellation.

If you can use for compare,
DM500HD do not have sensitiver tuner than solo2.
(I have test this)
I think 500HD and 800SE have similar tuners.

Which means either there is something wrong with the configurations
or the HW of solo2.
I have both model 500 and as well Dm800Se, both perform well. To verified this I've used Satellite analyzer (Satlink Ws6912P) and the signal was there but cannot be detected by Solo2. My assumption is either failure on HW side or need a proper firmware driver.
I think it is about time the blind scan support is made available on Vu+ Solo 2 by the manufacturer.

Yes.. it a right time to introduce Blind scan just like his brothers. my assumption, Solo2 need to be fine-tune and do some minor adjustment on HW side. cause still not perfect yet. meantime I still have find the solution for tuner issue.