

Vu+ User
Hello,I am currently working on a tool specifically for VU + (so we have something own and do not always look enviously towards Dreambox must :)).The tool is still in very early times to study and have foldende Functions:
LiveTV - it is read out via Telnet and the Fovoritenliste angezeigt.Später bouquet will further entries are loaded.
This network will be to find some network tools sein.Portscanner, network scanner (shows all IP's on the home network), Network Monitor (shows traffic), Ping, Whois, etc. ...
Telnet commands here can be transferred to the box or message box at the
Records are read the hard disk information and displays and all recordings
A simple FTP client TFP times just to access the box and download or upload data
Settings here are once stored all settings
Remote virtual Fernbedinung to remotely control the box from the Pc of
Everything still in the works, some basic functions are already machbar.Per Telnet commands and messages are sent.LiveTV works well so far, but is still ahead of the corresponding transponder is also free.FTP client already works in the broad, there are still advanced display for up and download it.
Everything works in Monent be entered into only if the starup.ini the correct IP name and password or by hand (this is done automatically later on the field "Settings".
Important is the current VLC is installed must be installed (without which no LiveTV), then MSXML 4.0 from Microsoft (
At the moment it's all still a draft .. I'd still look forward to Preserve Comments wishes, advice, criticism, everything is welcome!
Tested on Windows 7 Ultimate with Vu + Duo Image Vti3.1 ... connected to wifi.
Booth 25/12/11NetworkMonitor will feature added .. UP recorded and graphically displayed and downloads .. The Download_Peak determined in the maximum torque on it's on the settings chosen freely.Network scanner currently works only with the scanning of the last (fourth) IP range .. it will be the reachable IP addresses listed and the correspondinghostname and MAC address are displayed.Port Scanner will scan the specified IP and lists the open ports with service.The file should Ports.txt same directory then to the ports and port information geöffnetet displayed where available.Many ports are still without description but the list can continue to edit werden.aber Please note the following notation00 043 whois, nicknameMissing digits with zeros to fill a space and then the description.Simply sort or the end of the list.

TelnetScripts can now be created (but not running yet)Messages and commands to work.
LiveTVobtained favorites Ordener telnet from the box and sets it as a selection. (Unicode support is still inadequate or not available)Tv function without problems (VLC installation is assumed)should now also work with the VTI 4.0 .. but here again the note that is fetched at the moment only the favorites list or the first folderSince the LiveTV streaming does look almost as the box should be on standby.When LiveTV then goes on to the box, the red recording icon ...

FTPUP Download now and add.Progress bar and speed measurements have now been added as well.An abort operation is in progress.
Booth 30/12/11Version V0.5FTP> 2GB problem with FTP Down eliminated bzw.Upload / ProgressBar to percent change calculationAbort button now active.
BoxInfo / RemoteAdded remote control ever as bmp

stand 12/01/2012 V Version 0.6
A routine that checks whether eingabaut MSXML is installed, if not is an indication, and the program terminates.
Bug in FTP upload progress bar.

Favorites appear in the order they are present on the box.
icons added
Tv picture larger / controls moved
Gruss Borstenei

Thanks mac_spennes


Version v 0.9

Einige Fehler behoben.

Design unter Settings verändert

Sprachen können noch nicht geändert werden...ich suche noch Dolmetscher !

Immer noch nicht fertig!

Some bugs fixed.

Design changes in Settings

Languages ​​can not be changed ... I'm still searching interpreters!

Still not finished!

Thx mac_spannes


Hi Genghis would it possible that you can explain step by step how to restore vu+ box from dead. ( only standby light is on, no output, nothing on front display, even dont know what is IP ).
Thanks in advance.
Hi Tae, would it possible that you can explain step by step how to restore vu+ box from dead. ( only standby light is on, no output, nothing on front display, even dont know what is IP ).
Thanks in advance.
How can you say he has a clone of the explanation he gave?
I have exactly the same problem and my box is 100 percent genuine. My purchased from which is a serious importer of vu+ in Norway.
I have always kept me updated with BH image and bootloader downloaded from this site.
But in February/March my vu+ duo began to freezi more and more. and it became harder and harder to get start.
Now it will not start at all, I have only the standby red-led and nothing in the display :(

After reading a bit on the internet, I have found out that this is a common problem of VU+ boxes. It's probably a hardware problem as capacitors often breaks after a few years of operation on VU+ boxes.