VU+ ultimate Remote Control problem


Vu+ Newbie
i got problem with my VU+ ultimate Remote Control the button is very hard some time i have to push button 3 or 4 time to get response ?do you thing my remote is it fulty?or something else?is it other vu+ remote is working on VU+ ultimate ?
When you use Vu+Ultimo remote he has to be directed to the Uno. It's not very sensitive.

Vu+UNO remote works fine with ULTIMO.
This issue has been reported to VU, some users report the a universal remote such as the harmony works just fine.
I find the the original remote only works well if you have a direct line of sight and you are not too far away.
just bought umtimo , had vuduo, and its worst remote i have seen buttons r so small and very very hard u have to point out towards reciver otherwise it dont work, and like if ur uisng in dark u dont know which button ur pressing u have to turn on light,
all buttons r same small, 2 buttons press at 1 time with my finger, buttons should be diffrent like other recivers have , with out check u can press buttons all buttons should be soft remote range should be good i was happy when i was buying it but i am thinking if i can use duo remote with it duo remote is 1 % better then this