VU+ Ultimo: No signal on tuner C


VU+ Ultimo
Tuner A: C/T
Tuner B: DVB S
Tuner C: DVB S

Tuner B: Simple
Tuner C: Same as B

Dish: Twin LNB, to cables to box.

No signal (sat finder) on tuner C.

Switching cabels B <-> C on box.
Switching tuners B <-> C in box.

Still same result: Tuner B is working fine, but no signal on tuner C...

Leads me to belive, tht the box is faulty, but any suggestions are welcomed.

So the C tuner actually works.:)

Now the solution might be not to use:
Tuner B: Simple
Tuner C: Same as B

Tuner B: Simple
Tuner C: Simple
So the C tuner actually works.:)

Now the solution might be not to use:
Tuner B: Simple
Tuner C: Same as B

Tuner B: Simple
Tuner C: Simple

Hi Eragon
Thank's for showing interest in my problem.
I went on to install OpenPli, and now both tuners are working !!?? So problem seems to be (kind of) solved.

Well, you know that both tuners are functional at the same time!

Have you tested this setting in BH:

Tuner B: Simple
Tuner C: Simple

In this way both tuners should work also in BH.

However in BH other tuners settings might be used as well, accessing the advanced configuration mode.