VU+ Ultimo on the end


Vu+ Newbie
vu+ultimo 1T hdd

tested with all img. and the same result

No longer responds to ping,

I can not get ftp and telnet

Network scanner, sees no vu+ on network.

Other hand the correct answer on the test network ,and i can download addons.

Any solution pls. ?
Try a different router, I had a failing router, that would allow me to connect to the internet, but for some reason wouldn't allow me to use any network options.
Have you also checked your receivers IP address? If you haven't got it set to a fixed IP address it can change.
How are you connected, from your PC to router, and receiver to router, via cable or wireless?

What Operating System, are you using? Try a system restore, to when you know it was working, just in case any automatic updates have caused a problem.
You could also try disabling any anti virus, or anti spyware, software, to see if that resolves the problem.
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That means absolutely nothing.
Everything was fine, with my set up, for years, then the router started to fail and it no longer wiorked.
Equally one update, from Microsoft, last week, stopped Dreamboxedit, and other programs, working. I isolated the problematic update, by removing each of the last ones, until I found the culprit, and simply stopped that update, in the update options.
Do not automatically assume that the problem is with your receiver, I would start with a system restore, on your PC, then borrow a friends router, and try that.
Other hand the correct answer on the test network ,and i can download addons.
Trying to understand what you mean...
Are you saying that your Ultimo doesn't respond to ping/ftp/telnet but it's still able to connect to Internet and to download addons?