vu+ ultimo setting up 3 tuners to the same LNB and recording


Vu+ Newbie

I'm very new to this so please forgive my ignorance, I'm interested in purchasing vu+ ultimo as the device can manage three tuners.

Am I correct in saying that if the device is configured correctly I can have 6 sat cables coming from the same LNB into the three tuners, thus allowing me to record six programs at once?

Sorry if this is a stupid question.

It's enough to have LNB Quad and three cables, better is LNB SCR and only one cable and splitter 1-4 ;).
Thanks for your reply

So are you saying with the use of an SCR LNB I and 1-4 way splitter I only need one cable connected to the individual tuner cards on the VU+ ultimo (I hope to utilise three tuner cards) and this will still allow me to record two programs per tuner? or will I still need the second cable connected to each card?

Regarding the splitter is there a model or stand I should be looking for?

Thanks for your help Blaze
@Blazedavey : No, you'll need only one cable from LNB SCR to splitter, which will be close to your Ultimo, and 3 short cables (+/- 30 cm) from splitter to tuners.

Splitter should be DC-DC pass through, at least 950-2150 MHz. (I'm using now Auriga AR-DIVF4)