Vu + Ultimo & Uno price lanched


Vu+ Newbie
hello all
while I was looking for goods in the net I found a site that sell the Ultimo & the Uno boxes & they are available to shipping :

the Uno = €471.66
The Ultimo = €708.08

( Prices Including VAT )

any one have idea about that if it's real or just an estimate

can I put the site link anyway ?
We do not want to have links to stores
for it use Google
In addition to all
the price is not confirmed with several sources.
I have find with google
VU+ UNO from 16.06 for € 339,00

But this is not official information.
We do not want to advertise the shops here
then we could put another 100 links to the shops.
And it can open speculation and discussion about prices.
With Google you can find shops with other prices and dates.
(I have find for 2 min with google VU+ UNO for € 339,00
VU+Ultimo for € 599 )
We are not advertising paper here.
Only in special cases, we may provide such information
if we have or if other users have
for example, a user does not have a store in his country.etc
(but you can use PM for this informations)