Vu+ Ultimo won't start up... just gets a green error screen and its restarts.


Vu+ Newbie
Restarted my Vu+ Ultimo yesterday and now it won't start up...

just gets a green error screen and its restarts again.

Any ideas so my kids kan watch TV?!?IMG_4344.JPG
Provide details such as:
-you installed any plugins
-you installed a skin
and so on.
And post your crashlog (zip it, otherwise you won't be allowed to attach it).
installed Xtreme TV and a skin... dont htink i've installed anything else.. has been running för months and now just wont start!

any ide how to get the crachlog since it just starts over?... never reallly starts up...
So, do you mean nothing was installed or changed immediately before the crash?
For the crashlog you have toU+ by FTP and they are usually in the root of the HDD.