Vu+ uno 4k se and zero rev2 as a 2nd Vu+ Set Top Box posible?


Vu+ Newbie
I got an Vu+ uno 4k se and thinking of getting an zero rev2 as second receiver. Now on Vu+ webside they say

'' An Ideal Solution as a 2nd Vu+ Set Top BoxZERO is a smart choice for those using HDD integrated Vu+ models like SOLO2 and DUO2. Let’s assume you use ZERO in your room. Once connected in your home network, you can play multimedia contents stored in DUO2 or SOLO2 in the living room. ZERO is definitely the most ideal solution for your second set top box. ''

Now I wonder if this woll work with the uno 4k se with hdd also?

Any one?