I have launched the following command by telnet: [opkg update], and [opkg upgrade].
After update/upgrade, i done a "long press" on the "power buton", Oooooooops, the screen is green and a crash log is generated. See the crash log in the attachment.
After restart, BH skin is deleted and replaced by default "VU+ skin", favorite channels are deleted, RC butons fuctioalitys are changed.
I think there are bugs related to OpenWebif (webif in Plugins..Green panel)
configuration is probably not a good or a conflict in the network
I'm not sure
If you do not use disable webinterface
or if you are using attempt a different configuration/port,
but perhaps is the problem fan control plugin, use the one that is already within the image.
Hello and thanks for respense,
With TELNET commands, i have done :
- opkg remove *fancontrol*
- opkg remove *webinterface*
After restart, all are OK
Hello support team,
I have BH v1.7.5
I use MeoBOOT
I found a lot of "CRASH LOG" in my vu+ uno
Could you investigate please and give me a feedback