Vu+ uno and thor hd and sly italia hd problems


Vu+ Newbie
Hi guys,

I have a vu+ uno with latest fpga and latest blackhole image on.
all works great except I get very bad signal breakup on most thor hd and sly italia hd channels.
signal is around 55% on both and suddenly drops to 0% and back up again picture is totally unwatchable.
I have tried two diferent dishes,lnbs and cable also my dm800 clone has a perfect picture.

I have also tried my tevii 660 usb sat tuner which I use as a second tuner in my uno but still get the same problem.

does the latest fpga upgrade contain all the previous fpga updates? ie: the one that is supposed to fix signal issues?

can anyone help me?

Thanks guys
would you tell us on which transponders you got problems - freqs, have you open box - what Is your tuner revision
what Is your location