vu+uno can only find 1 sat in setup ?


Vu+ Newbie
Hi ,
im trying to set up my vu+uno with my motorised dish but in tuner setup can only find 1 sat hotbird 13 east when i try to sroll through it goes to all satelites 1 then 2 and so on where before it would scroll throght satellites by name.
any ideas ?
I've the same setup as you Uno plus BH and got mine linked up to a technomate motor. It works line a dream (I know you don't want to hear that).

How have you got your setup - mine is set to 'Positioner' rather than DiSEqc - you just need to enter your exact latitude and longitude.

There's also another option that allows you to tweak it - there's a goto 0 option in there . Worth a try (can you hear your dish motor of you send that command)
Hi ,
im trying to set up my vu+uno with my motorised dish but in tuner setup can only find 1 sat hotbird 13 east when i try to sroll through it goes to all satelites 1 then 2 and so on where before it would scroll throght satellites by name.
any ideas ?
Sounds like your satellites.xml file might be corrupted. Have a look at it and download a new one if need be. Save old one first.