VU+ Uno Editor


Vu+ Newbie
Hi All,

Need help to repair (Timers.XML).
Been having a record to External HDD problem, each time I mount
the USB/HDD the Uno crashes after reboot, Blue screen, then shuts
down. I then receive error (The timer File (timers.XML) is currupt
and could not be loaded). Can I fix this with an Editor, or do I need
some other Tool.
Using B/hole 1.7.2.
Have backed Up settings to PC HDD with (VuSettingsBackup_V13.
But It will have the currupt Timer file in It.

PS, Have had the USB HDD recording before faulty Timer problem.

Thank's for any Help, BF.
Hi All,

Need help to repair (Timers.XML).
Been having a record to External HDD problem, each time I mount
the USB/HDD the Uno crashes after reboot, Blue screen, then shuts
down. I then receive error (The timer File (timers.XML) is currupt
and could not be loaded). Can I fix this with an Editor, or do I need
some other Tool.
Using B/hole 1.7.2.
Have backed Up settings to PC HDD with (VuSettingsBackup_V13.
But It will have the currupt Timer file in It.

PS, Have had the USB HDD recording before faulty Timer problem.

Thank's for any Help, BF.
Dear Friend Timers.xml file location is in /etc/enigma2/
You can edit this file, Clear all data and save (Attributes 644).
Or Delete it and reboot.(make a backup first)
To Do All above use an FTP manager (Like Total Commander)
and connect to your VU+ IP.
Good Luck !:yes:
I work with ******* plugin on my vu+ uno and i found it very good,if i want to edit a file i use the explore file from this plugin and work very well..the latest one at the moment is ******* 4.9.
Hi All,

@sakisdvd, There are two Timers,XML in Enigma2, one is (Timers.XML OLD) and
its empty when I click View/Edit.

The second timers.XML has (< ? XML Version = "1.0" ?>)..(Timers/>) and
thats it.
What do I delete, and can you direct me to a new Timers.XML File.
Im stuck as to what to place in thier place.

Thanks for your Help, BF.
I have Only one timers.xml in /etc/enigma2/ .
I have uploaded the file to replace yours.
First take backup, then delete all timers.xml you have.
unpack and copy the one I have uploaded to your VU+ /etc/enigma2/ folder.
Good Luck.

