VU+ Uno freezes now and then


Vu+ Newbie

Hope someone can help me with this problem!

Since I've got my Uno almost 2 years ago, I've had alot of problems with freezing now and then.

Have tried many different images, but still freezing... Now I'm on BH 1.7.X (can't remember the excact version).

Also been reading on alot of forums, to try solving this!

Yesterday I read somone did have a kind of the same problem with freezing on HD channels and when the scenes are fast - sounds like mine problem too. Someone thought i might be an upgrade of FPGA or drivers could sort the problem, because there was an error in the older firmware, concerning the freeze in sportscenes etc.

Have tried to do an FPGA update from the plugins menu on BH - did not help!

Now I'm trying to find new drivers to see if that helps...

Can anyone confirm this, or might have a solution what to do? I willing to try almost anyting - even a factory reset if necessary, or othe image...

Hope anyone can help me out here, thanks...
Okay, i will give it a try tonight.

Does it come with newest drivers, or do I have ti find them elsewhere? Do I have to do a FPGA upgrade again after flashing the new image?
Okay, i will give it a try tonight.

Does it come with newest drivers, or do I have ti find them elsewhere? Do I have to do a FPGA upgrade again after flashing the new image?
Yes it comes with latest available drivers and you don't need to upgrade again the FPGA.
When you have freezing what happens after that ???
You restart box, or

Give more description
but NO emu story here,not allowed.
Have now put on the new BH 2.0.2 image on, and still the samme freezes!

It just freezes for a few seconds, and the picture comes on again. Sometimes there can be hours between the freezes. No need for reeboot.

Could it be my Video settings?
Have now put on the new BH 2.0.2 image on, and still the samme freezes!

It just freezes for a few seconds, and the picture comes on again. Sometimes there can be hours between the freezes. No need for reeboot.

Could it be my Video settings?

Verify if cables are correctly conneted (coax included)...
It was the coax cable... Did a check on all cables again, and found one connection that looked a bit bad. Made a new one, and bang - now it works like a charm :-)