vu+ uno - no boot - just red light


Vu+ Newbie
My genuine vu+uno had the power switched off accidentally at the wall.
When I switch it back on again I just get the red light on the front lit.
The HDD whirs for about 3 seconds then silence.
A message appears on the TV: 'Mode not supported. The resolution is not supported on this TV please change resolution'.
It is totally unresponsive to remote control.
Not happy.

It's not behaved like this before.

How do i get the vu+ to boot.

Was running BH2.1.7 before this if that's relevant.
Try connecting it using a scart lead, to your television, then see if you can access the menu.
If you have a back up, or don't mind losing your settings, you could try re-loading Black Hole 2.1.7, via a USB stick.
I tried reloading 2.1.7 from USB....nothing comes up on front whirrs for a few seconds then goes quiet and just sits there with the red light on.
It was working fine before I accidentally pulled the mains plug out of the plugboard while i was trying to move a computer that was sat next to the stb.
scart - no joy

I'm no electrician so changing a cap would be beyond me...besides the duo is different isn't it so that would not be the same as my uno
Changing a failed capacitor is quite easy, if that's the problem.
You cut the two soldered wired, of the failed capacitor, nearest to the capacitor, so that they are left soldered to the board, then solder the new capacitor to these wires.
Without examining your Uno I have no idea what the problem is.
You might have a local shop, in your area, that will examine it, and repair it, for you, I have a local Telecentre, near me, that have repaired a DVD recorder, cheaply, as I couldn't even get hold of the parts, the manufacturers wouldn't even supply me, only a registered repair centre.
The motherboard IT is powered by a 12-volt power supply, then there are 4 DC-DC converters on the board. They were shown on the diagram I was trying to place. In my UNO converter U807 (LD1117A) - input 5 V - the output is not 2.4 V, but 0.8 V. Does anyone know that it is powered by a voltage of 2.4 V?