I am using a 2,5 inch Samsung SATA of 640 Gbytes internally. Works fine.
Also eSATA works with an external Docking Station (2 TByte, Western Digital green edition drives).
Changing drives works in-flight. Great HW potential in this sense
The multi USB Card Reader being part of the same Docking Station also works.
I am far less happy with Media Player, DVD-Player and Picture Player using these drives
They are in my opinion still at an Alpha stage (they even crash the box)
Maybe I will make an evalution report one of these days.
Prefer 2,5 inch myself: Silent, No Power Supply problems, low heat production.
The UNO has a very nice internal bracket for both 2,5 / 3,5 inch with rubber mounting.
Don't lose the special screws provided for assembling. Note: they are different for resp. 2,5 / 3,5 inch.