Vu+ Uno: Technical problem of SMPS

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Sung-Woo Hwang

Vu+ Newbie
Numerous endusers using Vu+ Uno found technical problem of SMPS of Vu+ Uno.
Is that why Vu+ stopped supplying the Vu+ Uno and Duo approximately 3 months ago?
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you
I hear this information first time.
Which as far as I know have no basis.
In addition, I am active in many forums
I have not read anywhere abt this problems.

I do not know where You have them from,
but we do not need no reliable information
on our forum.
I have uno and duo working very nice.

Apparently from what I have heard is that Vu+ stopped supplying the Vu+ Uno about 3 months ago and I am not sure about the Duo. I am assuming that they are busy launching the Vu+ Ultimo.
once again and last time
It is not true
My colleague bought a uno a few days ago.

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This "person" spaming around the internet with exact same message(hoax),maybee he is payed by some companies to do such thing,on every Sat related Forum!!So......Some of my friend here in DK bought Vu+Uno and they are pretty happy with this stb.
I just wanted to get a wide range of responses to this post and not just from one source. Am I not allowed to do this? If that is the case, I will abide by these rules. I am an enduser of Vu+ Uno and I am also happy user with this product, it's just that I am not too fond of this news. Please don't get a wrong impression.. :(
And also IF Vu plus stopped its supplying of Vu+ Uno, that does not mean that there are no more Vu+ uno in the markets, it means that there will be only a limited number of Vu+ unos in the market.
I think you got the answer to your questions.
How do I see you're from the Netherlands/Gemini and in the Netherlands/Gemini has many shops VU uno.
My friends have bought it even for less than 299 euros.
and you're talking about SMPS problems and that I did not read on any forum
and I have longer VU uno without any problems.
It is for me the best HD receiver in my collection.
I will close this thread,because it has no proven truthful information.
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