Vu+ Uno with multiboot-flash image crashing


Vu+ Newbie
Hi to All,

I have a Vu+ uno with multiboot. In flash there is blackhole image and on Usb(back of box) I have openpli image. The image in flash seems to be corrupt since the box crashes when i try use it. The image in usb works fine.
Can I reflash the box with a new image without losing the meoboot function? i.e if I install new image in flash with front usb, will the image in other usb still work?

Hi to All,

I have a Vu+ uno with multiboot. In flash there is blackhole image and on Usb(back of box) I have openpli image. The image in flash seems to be corrupt since the box crashes when i try use it. The image in usb works fine.
Can I reflash the box with a new image without losing the meoboot function? i.e if I install new image in flash with front usb, will the image in other usb still work?


  • Can I reflash the box with a new image w cithout losing the meoboot function? if I install new image in flash with front usb, will the image in other usb still work?

Probably no. You'll loose OpenMultiboot installed images. ( Should be unpacked allways using the booted flash image )
In order to try to solve this, you must say us, the image you have in flash ( Blackhole, OpenBH or OpenBlackHole image ).

If the kernel is corrupted, there is a way, that can solve your issue, that is only reflash the kernel, although is not 100% secure, because we don´t know if the crash you got, is cause a corrupted kernel.

If you can have, even in crashing mode, ftp acess, locate in your /media/hdd folder or /home/root folder for craslog´s and upload it here.

best regards