VU+ Uno


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all this my first post hope someone can help.
I have just upgraded to VU+ Uno twin tuner here is my query my single is a lot lower than my F3 Box.

Uno SNR=74 AGC=46

F3 Box SNR=80 AGC = 78

so my query is why is the signal strength stronger on my cheap F3 Box compared to my Uno

Hope someone can help

1) update the FPGA "v4.5"
2) Upgrade your image to the last one "BH Oe2 v2.0.1 Rev A"
3) check cables and connectors
1) update the FPGA "v4.5"
2) Upgrade your image to the last one "BH Oe2 v2.0.1 Rev A"
3) check cables and connectors
These are all relative measurements
Satellite receiver is not a precision instrument for measuring
such instruments are much more expensive.
The question is whether you have good reception or not
the rest is pure graphic and relative.