Vu+ Uno4kse Some Questions please.....New user sorry !!!


Vu+ Newbie
hello everybody in this GREAT Team !!!
I have bought yesterday a Vu+ uno4kse with s2x tunners
is blindscan possible?
can i switch to db instead of percent? in bh or obh?
Is it good receiver vs octagon sf8008?

Thank you in advance !!!
What image did you install? It's important to give you the answers. Anyway, under OBH it's in
Setup/User Interface/Settings

scroll down and you'll find it.
In BH there is something similar but I can't check it at the moment.
thank you but in obh i change the snr % to db but nothing change
i think that my new uno4kse has new dvb s2x and not dvb s2 older tuner
Ok i found in openblackhole how to change Snr from % to db values :)
In Blackhole 3.0.9 how to do this? i cant find it in menu this option
Also my last question is when the blindscan will be available for vu uno4kse with dvb s2x tuner?
Thank you !
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