vu + zero problem with


Vu+ Newbie
bom eu comprei no eBay vu + zero, mas no primeiro mês comesou enlouquecendo
não uma imagem de atualização que é bom ficar preso desligar e ligar já não abre ir para uma imagem verde e voltaa tentar o boot é CEMPRE assim já instalado tudo e imagem, mas é igual suposição I e software de vírus agora comprei outra igual gostava se o caminho com arranjar outro software backup
good I bought on eBay vu + zero but in the first month comesou going crazy
not an update image that it is good get stuck hang up and call it no longer opens go to a green image and voltaa try the boot is CEMPRE so already installed everything and image but is equal guess I and virus software now bought another equal liked whether the way with arrange another backing up software
good I bought on eBay vu + zero but in the first month comesou going crazy
not an update image that it is good get stuck hang up and call it no longer opens go to a green image and voltaa try the boot is CEMPRE so already installed everything and image but is equal guess I and virus software now bought another equal liked whether the way with arrange another backing up software

In this board, there are no support for backup images. We only give support to Blackhole or Open Blackhole images, although if you are geting GSOD's ( green screen of death ), you must have any plugin or skin that causes the issue.

By Ftp connect to your STB and check for crash logs, that you must have on the next locations ( folders )

  • No HDD attached

  • HDD attached

Download it to a folder in your PC , Zip it. and upload the crashlog here.

Note: For support we need to know the image you are using in your STB.

best regards