VU+zero problem


Vu+ Newbie
hi team BH, I have problem with my VU+ ZERO , not working and its not connected to the TV , the LED just signed in blue.
when I want to flash it he stay just sign like that
I take video for this problem:

Please how can I fix it .
Best regards team BH
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Try disconnecting everything, including the Co-ax cable, but leave the HDMI cable, and then try re-flashing it, using a different USB stick, formatted to FAT 32.
Can you access it from your PC, using the DCC, Dreambox Control Centre?
Sorry for late responding, I try again with different USB fat32 format and disconnecting everything, including the Co-ax cable but nothing works, also the DCC not find the ip of my VU+.
What can i do please ? :(
the Vu + juste signing like video
You can keep trying both USB ports, and other sticks, along with different images:

It's beginning to look like it might be a hardware problem.
You could try removing the receivers cover, after disconnecing it from the mains, and look for obvious signs of damage, burning, bulging capacitors, but if it's still under warranty contact your supplier and let them resolve the problem
when i put in the USB stick nothing change , Vu + still sign like on video .
I think me too that this problem come from hardware, before this problem my vu+ disconnect from tv and connected, and repeated that a lot of time and after he didn't want working.
can a technical repair my vu+ ?
Depends on what's wrong, if it's just a faulty capacitor then they are very cheap.
Contact your supplier and see if it's still in warranty.
If you have a local shop, we have a telecentre, that will examine the problem, free of charge, and advise of the cost, of repair, to see if it's worth repairing.
thank you for your kind support Mick123334 , I would like to tell you that I fixed the problem ,it's come from Power supply :yahoo:.
I change it and now working good.
all the best


  • vu-zero-original-power-supply-12v-2a.jpg
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Hola buenas,yo tengo un problema con las ultimas imagenes,cuando hago zapping,al pasar de un canal a otro no se me pone la pantalla en negro,si no que se congela la imagen del canal en el que estoy y después salta la imagen del nuevo canal,con la unica imagen que no me pasa es con la 3.0.3Q, he actualizado a la nueva imagen de ayer y me hace eso mismo,y con las 3.0.4 también,alguién sabe si es un bug de los zero? saludos