Vu+ Zero Tuning Problems


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,

I recently purchased a Vu+ Zero box to test my new satellite setup.

I currently have a single dish with 3x quattro LNBs, feeding into a EMP 12/8 multi-switch. The dish is aligned to 28.2E, 23.5E and 19.2E.

The Zero is set to DISEqC A/B/C/D mode with port D set to disabled.

Now when I go into the Satfinder menu the SNR is either always at 0% or sporadically jumping from 0
% to 100%. Moving the dish around and even unplugging the Zero seems to make no difference to this behaviour. If I attempt a manual tune I always get back 0 services found.

This leads me to believe there is a problem with my multi-switch or the configuration of the Zero itself.

Does anybody have any suggestions or can point out where I may have gone wrong?

From memory, Quattro LNB's are different from quad, or other, LNB's, in that they are meant for a multi distribution set up, each giving vertical High, Vertical Low, Horizontal High, and Horizontal Low, outputs, usually used in Hotels, an Apartment Complex, or for distribution to a number of rooms, thus setting them up might be different.
You might want to check with your EMP 12/8 multi-switch manual, to see what settings are required, or try using the advanced tuner option, and see if you can get a steady signal.
Thanks for the reply.

I have more than 4 tuners, so the quattro LNBs made more sense. They are also much cheaper than quads (in central Europe at least).

There is nothing specific in the EMP manual unfortunately (I cannot post a link yet).

I've triple checked the cabling. Each cable is colour-coded, so I'm pretty sure there have no been no errors. The cables from the EMP to the living room are fine as they are feeding the TV from the antenna with a perfect picture.
How have you got your TV configured?
Colour coded cabling only works if they've been connected correctly, to the quattro LNB's, and are then listed correctly.
As you know the cabling, to your televsion, is working, why not remove the co-ax, from your TV, and connect it to your VU+ Zero, to see if it then works.
You can post a link, just not a live link, try putting any link in code brackets.
The TV is receiving its signal from the terrestrial aerial via the multi-switch and then into a de-combiner (is that the correct term?).

I did the cabling myself. It was absolute hell so I checked the cable markings about 10 times before I ran them.

I'll try running the coax to the VU+ to the TV to see if it can pick up anything. It will be a bit fiddly getting behind the TV, but worth it for the process of elimination.
With normal LNB's the receiver sends a 13v, or 18v, signal, to switch between Vertical, and Horizontal, Quattro LNB's don 't require this, as each output is a separate signal, Vertical Low, Horizontal Low, Vertical High, and Horizontal High, thus settings might need to be different.
You have stated that you have multiple receivers, are any of these working?
According to your link, Diseqc commands are supposed to work, to switch between the Quattro LNB, outputs.
Can you try setting all Diseqc commands to the same satellite, one at a time, and see if you get any signal quality readings.
The TV cannot also find any channels.

I re-wired all the F connectors into the switch - that seems to have stopped the constant clicking at least. The only two other things that can be causing this are the wall plate (doubtful, as the same cable is feeding terrestrial TV without problems) or the cabling of the LNBs. I'll re-wire them when it isn't blowing a gale outside.
When you did all the F Connectors did you leave sufficient braiding? I once had a similar problem, with the signal quality shooting up, and down, and found that my F Connector was too tight, and when I screwed it, onto the cable, I cut off all the left over braid.
Fitting F Connector.jpg
Yes, I just checked again as well. If the signal quality was erratic I would expect to pick up a couple of services, but I am picking up none.

I do not trust the satfinder at all now to be honest.
If it is a short, due to a fault, in the connection, or cable, you wouldn't pick up any channels.
You have gone for a very complex set up, Quattro LNB's, and EMP 12/8 multi-switch, which needs to be configured correctly, unlike normal LNB's, where you can simply rune a direct cable, from any LNB output, to your receiver, to check signal quality, and easily diagnose a problem.
You might need to tey setting the tuner to advaned, and manually configuring your setup.
Have you tried any other output, on your EMP 12/8 multi-switch, or another receiver, as you state that you have 4?
If possible check your receiver on another setup, a friends, or family members, to rule out any problem with your receiver, and try borrowing a different receiver, to see if that works on your system.