Vuplus and Enigma2


Vu+ User
Hy everybody,
A few weeks ago vuplus opened a survey in it official page on facebook. They were saying that they are facing a lot of problems and bugs with the Enigma2, so they propose that vuplus devellop it own system. Actually this proposition had the best score, and the survey finished.
I want to know now if vuplus will continue developing it images using Enigma2 or it really going to create their own system?
Vu+ now use GUI like a default name. I think that they will develope own self platform with base of old OPEN PLATFORM E2.
I don't have any idea about this Dzoni can you please give me some differences between them ? :)
It is very similar but from time when vu+ started on market,they develope e2 indipendent and dm also independent. All is based on enigma OPEN PLATFORMS.

I think in future will be much more diference...
It is very similar but from time when vu+ started on market,they develope e2 indipendent and dm also independent. All is based on enigma OPEN PLATFORMS.

I think in future will be much more diference...
Thank you Dzoni for the infos :)