Vuplus & Internet 3G USB modem ?


Vu+ User
Hi all,

I want to ask if is there any system modules to support the internet 3G usb modems in VUPLUS?

If there is nothing untill now, it will be nice if you can think about this nice feature...
I agree with you but there is only one russian image called Gismoclub which supports 3G USB dongle.
I don't understand russian so that I could not try.

P.S.: @ Angelofsky...this pain in the ass comes out from time to time...make us happy! :D
I have checked both ZTE and HUAWEI 3G USB modems in my solo , however , system didn't support them
and also I have installed manually but it was not succeeded

So I have one question , is there any plan in black-hole team for supporting wireless modems with different technology such as GPRS , EDGE , HSPA , WiMAX and ....
