VuPlus Zero Problems... Help

Jose Moreira

Vu+ Newbie
I bought a VU-0 and the first thing I tried to do was install Black Hole the last one for the same equipment.
But ... I formatted a Pen FAT32 and did as I saw on the yutube, I installed everything on the pen in the VU and then I turned the button ... OK, it looked okay, but ... I never blinked the LED again after 10 minutes I unplugged the button I took the pen, I disabled the VU ... The image was exactly the same that comes in the factory VU. But then to exit this startup image and the menu appears, well ... It does not appear.
Someone can help me.
Thank you very much.
I bought a VU-0 and the first thing I tried to do was install Black Hole the last one for the same equipment.
But ... I formatted a Pen FAT32 and did as I saw on the yutube, I installed everything on the pen in the VU and then I turned the button ... OK, it looked okay, but ... I never blinked the LED again after 10 minutes I unplugged the button I took the pen, I disabled the VU ... The image was exactly the same that comes in the factory VU. But then to exit this startup image and the menu appears, well ... It does not appear.
Someone can help me.
Thank you very much.

Try another USB device. Probably you are using an USB 3.0 device, and instead of this, try an USB 2.0 pen drive.

1) Initialize the device as FAT32 ( File System ).
2) Unpack the lastest "firmware" zipped file, to a folder on your PC :


3) Copy the "vuplus" folder to your USB Pen Drive, previously formated as FAT32.

4) Power OFF your STB.

5) Remove all your USB connected to your STB.

6) Insert your USB device that contains the firmware to your STB.

7) Power ON your STB.

  1. The white LED pulsates during the Flash process.
  2. Wait until the white LED starts blinking.
  3. Power off the Vu+ STB.
  4. Remove the USB-Stick.
  5. Power on the Vu+ STB.

best regards
Well ... I already used 5 Pen's ... I went back to black-hole-3-0-4-c-vu-zero with another formatted pen, but ...
The STB only with the power on nothing else, I switch the on / off switch and the led flashes three times after the low led light ... but if you have an hour or 3 minutes it is the same no more the led flashes ... I shoot pen renicio the STB and it is in the same. It could be failure.
Thank you
Well ... I already used 5 Pen's ... I went back to black-hole-3-0-4-c-vu-zero with another formatted pen, but ...
The STB only with the power on nothing else, I switch the on / off switch and the led flashes three times after the low led light ... but if you have an hour or 3 minutes it is the same no more the led flashes ... I shoot pen renicio the STB and it is in the same. It could be failure.
Thank you

Disconnect the network cable ... and retry.

best regards