Weather forecast on LCD 1


Vu+ Newbie
Please help me someone. I can't get the weather forecast to display on my Lcd 1 display(Open Blackhole).
I used to get the 4days 1 line on the display, now it shows only one day and the one day is always the day before. On Tuesday it displays Monday, on Wednesday it displays Tuesday. I've tried to change the settings to all other choices but the result remains the same. I tried the settings on Current, then on Media, and then on Idle, no luck.
Can someone please be kind enough to tell me how to set the weather forecast on LCD 1 display so that it actually shows the 4days 1 line forecast?
Your assistance will be duely appreciated, thanks.
Please help me someone. I can't get the weather forecast to display on my Lcd 1 display(Open Blackhole).
I used to get the 4days 1 line on the display, now it shows only one day and the one day is always the day before. On Tuesday it displays Monday, on Wednesday it displays Tuesday. I've tried to change the settings to all other choices but the result remains the same. I tried the settings on Current, then on Media, and then on Idle, no luck.
Can someone please be kind enough to tell me how to set the weather forecast on LCD 1 display so that it actually shows the 4days 1 line forecast?
Your assistance will be duely appreciated, thanks.

Download new Lcd4Linux version from BH image server >>plugins.
Or wait for image update .
Gee, Matrix10, you did it again. You're simply the greatest!!! Yeah I downloaded and installed the new Lcd4Linux version from BH image server ("10 latest uploads")
and the weather forecast now displays 4 days 1 line in current time. I am very grateful to you Matrix10. You're the best.
Thanks a lot.
Sorry people, I do not wish to be a pest, but now that I got my weather forecast on Lcd 1 working youtube tv is not working properly. I could do searches and see pre-videos but
when I click on a video it appears like it is about to play but nothing happens, the screen stays blank. I tried youtube tv on my pc and it works fine. How can I resolve this issue
on my vu+ duo2 (Open Blackhole)?
Sorry people, I do not wish to be a pest, but now that I got my weather forecast on Lcd 1 working youtube tv is not working properly. I could do searches and see pre-videos but
when I click on a video it appears like it is about to play but nothing happens, the screen stays blank. I tried youtube tv on my pc and it works fine. How can I resolve this issue
on my vu+ duo2 (Open Blackhole)?
YouTube TV > Working
MyTube Plugin you have to download new one from Black Hole server Plugins > Working
Oh, I do not mean "Mytube", I mean the main Youtube which is accessible through Menu. How can I fix or reinstall Youtube tv?