What to choose after Vix?


Vu+ Newbie
Hi everyone...

I've realised that my Vix on my Vu + duo 2 has been updated to the end on possible ilvix images .currently 5.2.045

I'm looking at doing a factory reset...formatting the hard drive, and applying a new image, that I'll have to download in zip form and I'm sure I'll find an appropriate sticky tutorial to help me through.

I REALLY don't know what to.go for..

I used to run a spider box, and am ok with the occasional ftp but I'm looking for stability and ease of operation after with my new image

I'm looking at
Onenatv. Openpli...and black hole in that order...openatv first

The latest stable version.

Would love any suggestions, and a good telling off if I've missed something I might regret ..

Thanks for any pointers.